Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Caroline Wojtas

                Family stands as the strongest connection between humans. Each individual comes from a unique cultural background with a specific history which in turn influences his or her character. I am a first generation Polish-American born in the USA, yet the journey over commenced decades ago.  My great-grandfather arrived at Ellis Island and worked vigorously for years to return to Poland and provide for his family. Upon my recent visit to the home country, my father showed me all the land that my great-grandfather purchased. My emotions swam with shock and awe as my vision was filled with warm green grasses covering rolling hills, against a pale blue sky. I decided to leave my own mark on this earth as well. Freshmen and sophomore years went well, but junior year I vied for something more. With hard work came satisfaction, and I finally attained high academic honors. My first award onto principal’s list came junior year, and from then on I never looked back. With my family support,  I began establishing my character in various ways such as forming a first-ever paddle boarding club at my high school  and becoming involved at the local hospital. These fresh experiences opened new opportunities for self-discovery, building my passion to aid others and my community. When one desires to fulfill a dream, hard work always follows suit. But I find that along the journey, the obstacles or mistakes I encounter actually prepare me more than anything else. Throughout history, the Polish remain consistent workers and humble peoples. I strive to continue these aspects of my family tradition, yet at the same time form my own path by pursuing a medical career track and eventually becoming a doctor to aid my community and to those in third-world countries. More importantly, I wish to remind people around me and at the university to take pride in their unique cultural background. Although no family unit claims perfection, each one subtly influences the characters of the next generation. I never take lightly the amazing virtues that my culture has instilled in me, such as an unfailing work ethic and patience. Regardless of one’s race, background, or family history, each individual possesses the power to create change in the universe. Reflecting on this hopeful notion, I strive to do exactly that.


  1. Caroline I love it! I like the Polish pride and how you tie the hard work into your family's past. This is an inspiring story.You could maybe go into some more detail about the school and service work that you mentioned! Awesome job though.

  2. I really liked this Caroline!! It conveys your sweet nature and shows how hard you work to accomplish your goals. Just like Emily said, I love the Polish pride!!! haha and all I would say to add is maybe some more visuals contrasting Poland to America, because some stronger adjectives would really connect your reader on a more personal basis. Other than that, good job :))

  3. Nice job Caroline! Truly a great essay-I enjoyed reading it. I loved the contrast between the two cultures, and you could go into more detail about the differences between. Beautiful work! Love the description of Poland's scenery.

  4. wow that was awesome. i loved how you highlighted your background and influences without making it sound braggy or too in-your-face. you also made your goals and ways to achieve them very clear. as far as criticism, i would just say extend on some of the obstacles you've faced but definitely don't change it too much because it flowed really well and had a great ending

  5. I would stick more with the family influences. I like some of the info you gave in the other essay I read yesterday about you going to work with your mom who is a doctor. That essay has a few more showing details than this one. I would take elements from that essay and put them in this one. Is there a connection between paddle boarding and being Polish:)? I like the green hills in the beginning and the desire to make your mark, but I think the things you are focusing on in here are not as strong as the things you focused on in the other essay. Maybe a slight fusion of the too would flesh this one out with more detail and color?

  6. p.s. also, go ahead and recast that first sentence and any others that sound just a fit awkward for clarity.
