Sunday, March 3, 2013

Women: A villanelle by Jason Compson


I loathe these women in my life

Causing nothing but headache,

Always filling me with strife.

        Women took ol’ Quentin’s life!

Inflicting the purest heart break,

I loathe these women in my life.


Slashing reason with a knife

Stealing sanity and money; they take

Always filling me with strife.


Future crops they hack with scythe

And shun the pride always at stake,

I loathe these women in my life.


Abusing my emotions rife

Regardless of how many aspirin I fake,

(They are) Always filling me with strife.


I doubt I need a snooty wife

To complicate my money make!

O! I loathe these women in my life

Always filling me with strife.

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